Monthly book reviews


February's book is Buy-ology Since I was a kid I dreamt about majoring in chemistry or biology, but life had different plans for me. I ended up majoring in a trade and economic-related program. Therefore, my first year in college was difficult to the point I thought about dropping out of it but the first… Continue reading Buy-ology


3 days quote challenge #day3

I want to thank IsM for nominating me for this challenge!  So this is the last day. I have enjoyed this so much and I'm glad I got to be a part of it and I hope you guys enjoyed it as well! Rules to be followed: 3 quotes each day 3 nominees to be nominated… Continue reading 3 days quote challenge #day3


3 days quote challenge #day2

I want to thank IsM again for nominating me for this challenge! ❤️ Second day already and I'm enjoying this so much.. Rules to be followed : 3 quotes each day 3 nominees to be nominated (no repetition!) Thank the person who nominated you Inform the nominees My quotes for today: 1."When the whole world is… Continue reading 3 days quote challenge #day2